Symbiotic Cultures of Bacteria & Yeasts (S.C.O.B.Y.)

Authentic &

original in the same package to it’s core

The Kefir Guy’s S.C.O.B.Y.s are one of the highest quality, always fresh and alive. Cared with wisdom and love to the roots for your best experience.

It’s considered as the mother culture of making kefir drinks, beverages, curds, foods etc. The Kefir Guy grows the following SCOBIES in live and fresh ferments and they are always harvested from the fresh batch to ensure top-quality and freshness of your selected SCOBY.


Milk Kefir S.C.O.B.Y. dairy

Traditional Turkish Milk Kefir

Also known as Turkish Keyif which is known for the meaning of it’s name ‘good feeling’. It can be used to make fermented (cultured) dairy or other products such as traditional milk kefir, delicious protein curds/puddings, substituting sour cream/smetana by fermenting dairy cream into kefir cream and even going further into butter and buttermilk or even cultured ice cream.

All with tons of living bacteria & other micronutrients. That’s the way food should be eaten everyday for life with a smile. 🙂

One of my favourites is to ferment full-fat coconut milk (usually 18% fat content) with this s.c.o.b.y. so we can add the full-spectrum of bacteria, yeasts, enzymes and other micronutrients to a perfectly sour and tasty vegan-style kefir – Great for those who want to stay away from dairy for any reason.

Try adding a cinnamon stick or freshly grated lemon or orange zest to the mix. You’ll be amazed how much better nature offers compared to the store-bought cultured milk products when talking about flavour and taste which are some of the good reasons to enjoy this natural powerhouse.

You can also substitute store-bought yeast with this amazing organic compound and make baked goods or use the first ferment, which is the basic kefir drink, to top your yogurt or other foods to make them way more powerful such as soups, sauces, mayo’s or even dips.

Get your own Milk Kefir SCOBY (Single Pack) now by clicking here.

Get your own Milk Kefir SCOBY (Double Pack) now by clicking here.

Water Kefir S.C.O.B.Y. vegan

Traditional South-American Water Kefir

Also known as Mexican Tibicos which can be used to make fermented vegan-based products such as water kefir beverages, substituting store-bought yeast when baking goods or even fermenting sauerkraut, kimchi or other vegetable-based fermented side dishes.

It’s also a great way to substitute soft-drinks and sodas by making very delicious live micro-nutrients filled beverages that your whole family will love.

Genuine taste and feels amazing for sure. 🙂

Get your own Water Kefir Crystals (Double Pack) now by clicking here.

Ginger Bug

Did you know you can make delicious and really good feeling healthier sodas, other drinks etc. with just bringing raw organic ginger rhizomes into a state of uplifting and living symbiosis with quality sugars and purified water?

Yes, this one tastes just like real fermentation from many generations ago. Living micronutrients over raw ginger rhizome which are then fed with raw & organic quality sugars.

Golden Bug

We discovered you can use raw organic turmeric root just like it’s more famous counterpart ginger bug.

You can combine these two to get the synergistic effect that has been found a while ago already to support your body’s inflammation levels even stronger than just using one of them alone.


Huipputuote vatsan hyvinvoinnille. Olen käyttänyt vesikefiirituotteita ja ne ovat olleet toimivia. Siirryin maitokefiiriin, kun jouduin aloittamaan pitkän ja vahvan lääkekuurin. Silti vatsa voi hyvin ja toimii.

Juon aamulla lasillisen tyhjään vatsaan ja joskus päivällä vielä toisenkin, jos siltä tuntuu. Tykkään mausta sellaisenaan, mutta saatan lorauttaa sekaan vähän vesikefiiriä raikastamaan makua.

Great product for gut wellness. I’ve used water kefir products and they’ve been working. I moved to milk kefir when I had to start a long and strong medicine. Nevertheless my gut is doing well and is working good. In the morning, I drink on an empty stomach and sometimes during the day another one, if I feel like it. I like the taste as it is, but I might pour in some water kefir to freshen the taste a bit.

M-Leena H – September 6, 2020

Heips Lähin vaa viestittämään, että ai hitto miten herkkua tää vaniljarahka on!!!!

Että kiitooooos, täysi!

Hello I just wanted to send you a message that this vanilla curd is so delicious!!!!

Thank you sooo much!

Jonna – May 24, 2021

camponotus japonicus ant feeding on ground

Building together empower


Thinking about collaboration in gut-related ideas, fermentation for product ideas or just need a fresh batch of nature’s strongest micronutrient solution?

Give us a call, or you can use whatsapp or signal, for a faster response, at our business number +358504701684.

We always welcome new ideas when talking about natural solutions!